45% of Marketers Aren’t Satisfied with Twitter (And How to Make It Work)
Assign tangible goals
Whether your goal is to increase web traffic or enhance online exposure, you want to set quantified goals. You essentially want to create targets for your Twitter campaigns. A target is a specific value that you assign to your goal within a particular timeframe. For instance, if your goal is to increase web traffic, your target could be “acquire 25,000 monthly visits by the January 31st, 2014”. This enables you to clearly identify what you focus on in the next few months and the tactics you need to come up with in order to achieve this goal. Your tactics could be write 10 blog posts each week. Moreover, by assigning tangible goals, you’ll be able to examine measurable results. If your target is 25,000 monthly visits by the end of January 2014, you can see if you have accomplished this goal easily by going into your Google Analytics account. There won’t be any grey areas. This allows you to assess your performance and determine what you need to improve on going forward.
Define your audience
After you’ve set tangible objectives, you need to define who your audience is. This allows you to produce content or tactics that resonate with your readers. For instance, if your target is to attain 25 blog post retweets by the end of this month, your content has to relate to your audience in order for your audience to share the articles. Moreover, by understanding who your readers are, you can determine what kind of language you should use, how long the articles should be, and the best time to tweet the articles. For example, if your audience are business professionals, you may want to tweet your articles during noon when they’re having lunch, around 5pm after they’re off work, or between 8pm and 10pm when they’re browsing online. This will help you obtain the most impact from your Twitter campaigns.
Interact with your followers
By interacting with your followers or people you follow, you’ll be able to proactively get your message out there. Through your interaction with other Twitter users, you can nurture relationships, share ideas or content, and gain mindshare. This will help you receive more engagements (retweets, favorites, and comments) from your followers and increase your readership. What’s more, you’ll improve your online exposure as the more favorites and retweets you receive, the more people will see your content and subsequently follow you on Twitter.