5 Smart Tips for Content Creation
Define your purpose
Define the purpose of your content before writing anything. Find out who your readers are and how your content will help them. This goal-oriented mindset will make your article more organized, logical and concise. To learn more about how to define your content’s purpose, please read this article.
Create an editorial calendar
Plan your articles ahead of time by formulating weekly, monthly, or even annual editorial calendars. You’ll be able to even out your workload, remain organized, and diversify topics. For instance, you can create a weekly schedule where you will need to publish a blog post every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and a short how-to video every Friday.
Write killer headlines
“On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” – David Ogilvy. This remains true in the digital space where compelling, irresistible titles are key to standing out from the crowd. To set yourself apart, use eye-catching terms such as approaches and benefits that capture a reader’s attention.
Design your blog posts
Website designs are just as important as killer headlines. A well-structured website will not only give your site personality and style, but also improve your search engine optimization (SEO). To design an effective website, give your site an edge or flare and make it shareable. You can increase your site’s shareability by including social features such as an RSS icon, subscription option, search box, and social sharing icons.
Use categories for your posts
It is vital to categorize blog posts. It will make your blog posts easily accessible by your readers and more important, by search engines.